Prison Life.  If you are incarcerated, how do you function within society?  This one-hander and gruelling almost biopic is stellar and much recognition should be levelled towards Marcus Hercules for a very informative, at times intense and chilling, journey of a young lad from primary school through to adulthood, life. Being locked up for something you didn’t do and the ramifications on your entire life.  Do you continue with the life lessons learnt in prison or do you try to make a change for the better?

This is a mainly biographical piece and Hercules shows great introspect. He is telling a story and it is all-encompassing.  There is a variety of characters and accents that move around each other seamlessly and it is clear that whilst the setting and stage is simple, the premise of this show, which is perfectly executed, is thought-provoking and allows an insight into a world that can perhaps be alien.

The stage itself was bare and dark and that highlighted areas of the story; the descent into drug addiction, the Manchester drug dealer and of course, the first night in his new home.  It is clear however that its always the darkest just before down and that is the takeaway from this show.

This is a poignant piece and one well worth catching if you can.

It runs until 11 September.


Review: Kay Johal.