Veronica has lost her husband. That’s not strictly true. She knows exactly where he is; he un-alived himself. In this thought-provoking and at times horribly real piece, Veronica’s pain is tangible. Through the medium of a vlog, she tells us how that morning, she woke up with everything as normal. The morning breath kiss, the cuddling into the crook of the arm to the ‘worst day of my life – the funeral’.
This is a dark piece but highly educational. It is not an easy topic to talk about. There is always one question. Why? Veronica talks about the colour draining from her life, how everything is grey and lifeless. The abject jealously of hearing other couples talking about their weddings, ‘how dare they keep walking and talking, when my world has just imploded.
Dear Dead Jason highlights the pain and anger that Veronica experiences; swinging between the positivity of dedicating the rest of her life to suicide awareness; to the darkness and the bleakness of the dark, where there are no clouds on the horizon.
The bottom line is that if you just ask for help, there is always hope.
This is a piece that should be viewed time and again such is the resonance of its message.
A well-deserved 5 stars with a special mention to Hannah Wilder who acted with sensitivity and empathy in abundance.
It is online until 28 March here
Review: Kay Johal