But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later reply on in court….

It's 2.30 am in South East London.  Joseph Eastman has been bought into Custody, under the premise of blackmail.  Today, you get to be good cop/bad cop…time to head to the breakout room and with the other 'officers involved' work out what actually went down in Chislehurst. But remember, you only have 24 hours to either convict or set free.  

The force have enough to put young Joe in the hot seat, your job will be to take a neutral look at the evidence put forward, to question what is fact and what is fiction. What way are you leaning towards?

The Custody Suite Online Experience is perhaps one of the most fun evenings I have had in lockdown.  It's interactive, fun, reflects a real-life experience and there is even a prize for the Best Detective.  I imagine there will be plenty of applications to the police force in due course….

A solid 4.5 stars; in fact I liked it so much I will be buying a ticket for all of my friends so they can partake. 


You can book tickets here


Review: Kay Johal