Ben goes to a café after he has been away for a while. So much has changed: not just the name of the shop, but there is also a robot helping Adonis, the barman, to serve the clients. Ben and Adonis find out that they were friends in their childhood.
In the coffee shop people come and go, most of them busy with their phones and computers. But Ben finds the way to talk to Emma, another customer, and they start to know each other better. Because, at the end of the day, world is made of people, not mobiles.
Two Stones One Bird's debut production of Face 2 Face is a comedy with some very good ideas and jokes. There are sincere laughs, mostly related to the absurdity of the situations, like a robot giving affection, or a woman watching a Yoga video while waiting for the coffee or the appearance of Ben's mother as hologram.
The note of the playwright Luke Mazzamuto points out that "People are too busy interacting with their screens, that they disconnect from real life - it's a serious addiction. Face 2 Face puts a magnifying glass on this topic to reveal the issues we constantly brush aside".
That is so true. We all know that virtual reality is taking over our lives day after day more. But the exploration of this interesting topic is superficial and the play is more a light and nice comedy about two people falling in love – with an abrupt end - than a thought provoking show about the society's addiction to technology.