The Sleeping beauty is the story of the malevolent Fairy Carabosse , who curses Princess Aurora to 100 years’ slumber, by a single prick of her finger on her 16th birthday. Doomed by fate, only a Prince’s sweet kiss can break the spell and awaken the sleeping beauty.
The dancers Alina Cojocaru and Joseph Caley simply shine. They are so graceful in their roles of Princess Aurora and Prince Desiree. Alina is radiant and meticulous, and Joseph is extraordinary.
The staging is quite basic – somehow bare - and the choreography dry for most times. The show is 3 hour long, and, because of a lack of dynamicity with some repetitive soloist and duets, I felt as it was overly long.
The costumes are lavishly beautiful and the ENO orchestra is brilliant, as always.
An enjoyable classical production of such a classic ballet.
Image credit: Fernanda Oliveira in English National Ballet’s The Sleeping Beauty Laurent Liotardo.