80 Days, a real world adventure is an immersive and different treasure hunt by Fire Hazard Games, based on Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days. 

Since 2008, Fire Hazard Games has created popular games that have been showcased in games festivals internationally.


In this new one, the players, divided into teams (of up to 5 players) are guided by through the game via a web app on their mobile phones, whilst also encountering a real cast of characters as they make their way through London.

Be sure you have your phone fully charged, because you will find the clues in the app (very well developed), and with the (virtual) money that you get every time you solve a puzzle, you can buy objects for the 80 days world tour. The more clues, the more the available money to buy stuff.

The actors – Nicolas Anscombe, Dominic Brewer, Hannah Cheetham, Kelly Long, Matt Vickery, and Dare Emmanuel - play their role extremely well and keep popping up everywhere. You can play additional games and quizzes with them to earn more money. 

All this is easier to be said than done. In fact, many puzzles are very cryptic and we struggled to solve them. But the 80-minute countdown and the competition against the other teams keep the pressure on, and, in the end, it’s a lot of fun.


80 days, a real world adventure is an entertaining – and challenging - outdoor experience in the streets of our beautiful city, very well organized. Bring your phone, wear comfortable shoes, and run!


It runs until 29 September. For further information or to book visit the festival’s website here.