Leicester Square Theatre


 Set for the life and death of marylin monroe theatre production

 Marylin monroe play program and ticket

When people think about Marilyn Monroe, they imagine a beautiful smiling and successful woman.

But is that the truth? This 45 minutes play explores the life and the death of one of the biggest star behind the surface.

The story is told by Marilyn herself (a convincing Danielle Gearing), lonely in her room.

And it is a sad story, of a fragile woman that probably fell in love with the wrong men and never really could forget her past of child being neglected and abused, who went through 12 different foster carers during her childhood. Things that will always leave a mark inside of her and were the reason why, despite her beautiful happy smile who made fall in love so many people, her life ended prematurely when she was only 36.

A play that will be loved by Marylin’s fans and appreciated by the ones who don’t know her so well yet.


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