The upcoming screen adaptation of In the Heights has been indefinitely postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The film had originally been scheduled to arrive in cinemas on June 26.


Lin-Manuel Miranda took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the postponement. Miranda said, "We had the best summer of our lives filming #InTheHeightsMovie last year. We gathered in Washington Heights and told this story, on location in this neighborhood, with our neighbors in this community. We couldn't wait to share it with you. But we're going to have to wait a little longer. With the uncertainty in our world, right now, the release of In The Heights is being postponed."

He continues, "When we can safely gather again, flags in hand, we will be there, enjoying this movie in theaters. We'll have the premiere uptown. The best summer of our lives, together. Patience & Faith. Paciencia y Fe."


Jon M. Chu directed the film based on Lin-Manuel Miranda and Quiara Alegría Hudes' Tony-winning musical, which stars Anthony Ramos in central role of Usnavi and original cast member Olga Merediz reprising her Tony-nominated turn as Abuela Claudia.