Sharon Sexton (The Commitments, Billy Elliot, The Liza Minnelli Story) and Rob Fowler (The Rocky Horror Show, Jesus Christ Superstar, We Will Rock You) will make available to stream/record the concert Vision of You, recorded at the Crazy Coqs last summer.
The cost is 10 pounds, and after a Paypal payment to, you will receive a link.
All funds will go to “Funds for Freelancers”, to raise money for freelance artists hardest hit by the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The two artists originated the roles of 'Falco' and 'Sloane' in Jim Steinman's smash hit show, Bat Out of Hell The Musical.
Performing an eclectic mix of genres from musical theatre, folk, pop to rock, we can tell you (because we have been there) that is a concert not to be missed. You can check our review here.