Immersive dining pioneers Gingerline launch a brand-new, five-course, palate twisting, interactive, multi-dimensional dining adventure...

Gather all thee hungry gastronauts, Gingerline's legendary, multi-dimensional dining adventure is getting ready to reopen, with a brand-new experience and a shiny new name.

With the first month's worth of preview tickets selling out within 48 hours as thousands of Gingerline superfans snapped up their places with record-speed; the next batch of tickets released on 2nd July (covering 20th August - 28th September) opens the doors to invite a new set of hungry explorers to experience the newest adventure from the original founders and pioneers of London's immersive dining.

Taking place at their hidden Hoxton HQ, intrepid diners will receive a text message with exact directions to the address on the day of their adventure (or the day before for matinee guests). On arrival, guests will enter the gastronomic world of Chambers_ - and join forces with a rag-tag crew of culinary cartographers. Be sure to keep on your toes (and taste buds), for beyond each portal sinister forces could well be at play. Work as a team to push beyond the known limits of the dining dimensions and remember... Only The Brave Will Dine.


Tickets: here