This play is the story of two couples who live in Philadelphia, Ray (Donald Sage Mackay) and his wife Ros (Samantha Coughlan) and their white, liberal friends Christopher (Carl Stone) and Molly (Marina Bye).
With locations and times interwoven, we find out that Ray takes a bus where he meets and start a friendship with Shatique (Joanna McGibbon) who is studying to become a nurse.
The reason why the relationship between these 2 persons so different grows is explained in a twist at the end of the first act. And it is a good, unexpected twist who took us by surprise. The second act is less strong but no doubt that this American thriller takes us through the issues of morality, racism, sexism and classism with a very clever script. Great staging and great acting, especially from Samantha Coughlan and Joanna McGibbon.
It is a thought-provoking play about race and the dark area of the relation with poverty and crime and with wealth and opportunity, and it is something we don’t reflect on enough.