Jamie (Jonathon George) and Naomi (Isobel Eadie) meet for a one night stand that will become something else, and their relationship will put themselves in front of a mirror.

Karen (Gemma Wray) and Nick (James Vincent) meet at Victoria Station and this will change their lives forever.


Feel is an original play, written by James Lewis and directed by David Brady, and is about relationships in London, today. I write in London on purpose, because the show talks a lot about this city.

Whoever lives in London will find the obsessions,  the conversations about tube and trains, the fears, the misspelling of the names on the Starbucks cups and all the other little or big things that belong to this city.


It is an entertaining play, with an intelligent script and I can tell you will laugh a lot especially in the first act.

The second act shows even more what is behind the surface, the truth emerges slowly and it is somehow sad: the characters feel that their life is pointless, that they are stuck in their jobs – not even liking what they do or understanding why they do it – and terribly, profoundly alone and maybe incapable of expressing their emotions. And it is sad because the question if love will overcome all this pain is quite painful.


The acting is brilliant – every character so different from the other-  and the deep message will make you ask yourself questions – because we all are or have been Jamie, Naomi, Karen or Nick.

I found the title very appropriate, because, at the end, is a play that explore if we are able to FEEL or not anymore what is inside of us, here and now.

For sure, I could FEEL the passion that has been put into bringing this play on a stage.